Have you ever used technology to serve others? You probably have used tech to serve, even if you didn’t directly recognize it.
Technology has opened up the world to us. We can help people we never would have known about without technology. The simplest form may be texting, calling, or posting something kind or uplifting for someone. We can also meet new organizations/people to direct us toward service projects or people in need.
At the #UseTech4Good Youth Extravaganza, Becca L. spoke on how technology allowed her to serve people in Africa.
Using Tech to Serve
Becca L. is the leader of a group of girls who gets together every week to do service or some other bonding activity. Becca had been trying figure out service projects for her group, so they could help and make a difference.
She says, “I was completely out of ideas for service projects. I could think of a million different ways to spend time with them, but I couldn’t think of any ways to do service.”
Running out of ideas brought her to the internet. The internet opens up our world by helping us find new ideas and projects that we would never have otherwise found or thought of. Going online connects you and helps you learn more than you can in your in-person sphere.
Doing a simple search for service projects near her, she came across a website called JustServe.org. “JustServe.org is a website where the volunteer needs of organizations may be posted and volunteers may search for places to serve in the community, providing opportunities to help those in need and enhance the quality of life in the community.” It’s a free service provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for everyone to collaborate and work together.
The Service Project
Within minutes she found 97 opportunities in her community, within just a 5-mile radius. Becca was thrilled to find one that fit her needs perfectly. She found a service opportunity to collect used shoes to be shipped to people in Burkina Faso, Africa.
The first week they handed out flyers. The second week, in one short hour they gathered 400 pairs of shoes. FOUR HUNDRED PAIRS OF SHOES! All these shoes will be delivered to Africa.
While your efforts may seem small, the impact is important on both the people you’re serving and yourself.
Becca added, “When you use tech and use tech to serve, there are so many opportunities. You don’t even have to give so much time. You don’t have to have a skill in anything. We just had to have a smile on our face and collect shoes.” I love that! It’s so true, you do not need to have any degree to serve others. You just have to act. Do a search right now for service projects in your area, and let us know what you find.
“I just want to say that using tech for good is so easy. You just have to do it.”
Let’s take her advice, and just do it. #UseTech4Good
How can you use technology to serve others locally and globally?
Monthly Kindness Campaign #MSDKindess
One group started a hashtag #MSDKindness to spread the good online.
The Marjory Stoneman Douglas Monthly Kindness Campaign was started to honor victims of the senseless act of violence toward students and faculty at Marjory Stoneman Douglas Highschool in Parkland, Florida on February 14, 2018.
The #MarchKindness campaign is headed by Camas and Washougal cities in Washington. Now, it is being carried on by Utah, and other states are challenged to follow suit. “Utah lawmakers passed a resolution honoring the victims of the shooting by designating April as #MSDkindness month. HCR22 encourages Utahns to do random act of kindness during April and challenges other states to do the same for another month this year.”
Share your random act of kindness using #MSDKindness. Let’s show the world the good that happens all around us.