Music can change the world

The intertwining relationship between culture and music is undeniable. Culture and music flow together. Ludwig van Beethoven said, “Music can change the world.” Over the years, popular music mirrors the society listening to it or does the culture mirror the music?

Culture & Music

Regardless of which one influences the other, there is a clear relationship as shown throughout history. We can play a song from hundreds of years ago to evoke a feeling of the past. Music evokes emotion, from the playful songs we sing with our toddlers to the songs danced to at a wedding. The small songs we hear and sing every day ultimately help shape us and change the world.

Music styles and messages change as culture and society progress. It changes even more often these days with the technology booming.

As music influences our feelings and human behavior, it’s important we seek out the best music and share it with others.

You can read on the Positive Music Association, an article researched by a student that states back in 2002, “Today’s teenagers spend four to five hours a day listening to music or watching it on television.” I would dare say this number has only risen with the smart phones placed in the hands of most teens. He also stated, “The average American teen spends far more time listening to music than listening to mom or dad.” Thus it is appropriate to assume this prolonged exposure to music and lyrics will affect one’s opinion, decisions, and behavior. These behaviors slowly change the world and how it functions.

Belinda Huang said it best, “We need to be very aware of our modern day culture, but more importantly, we need to be intentional about the cultures we want to create and cultivate with our music.”

Positive Music Influencers

Marla & Mary Oteo

Watch two young girls, Marla and Mary Oteo, who use Instagram and YouTube to positively influence people with their music. Here they perform a song they wrote with the goal of uplifting the world.

Acting UP!

Also featured at the #UseTech4Good Youth Extravaganza was the award winning group Acting Up! They performed, Safe Harbors, Light, and Be Our Guest. As you listen think of the feelings evoked by the different songs and think how they may influence human behavior and ultimately, change the world.

The Piano Gal

Another of our favorites is The Piano Gal who uses tech for fun.

How can you be intentional with the culture you want to create and cultivate with your music?

How can you be intentional with the culture you want create and cultivate online?

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